Mongo is an information management professional with over 35 years of experience in the field. He recently retired after 22 years as the Records Manager at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, and is the former interim manager of the Special Collections Library at the College. In these two roles, he developed a keen interest and had extensive experience in historical preservation issues, as well as information technology, data system design, and digital record keeping.
Mongo is also a poet and poetry promoter, who has extensive experience in new media. He was the host of the IndieFeed Performance Poetry Podcast, which produced over 1600 shows and delivered more than nine million downloads over a ten year span, ending in 2016. Having worked with venue hosts across the country, as well as having networking connections with nearly 600 performance poets and luminaries, he is very well connected in the performance poetry world. To visit Mongo's personal website, please click here.